Saturday, September 20, 2008

Happy 80th Birthday, Marion!

Marion is an emeritus professor of government and has been part of our community for … decades (?). She is fond of quoting Bette Davis: “Old age ain’t for sissies.”

Marion is no sissy. We can learn something from her every day about how to live life: never stop asking questions. Notice the small things. Appreciate what you have while you have it.

Marion went to grad school at Penn in the 1950s over the objections of her father. She was one of the first American women to do research in Africa and was a Fulbright scholar. She still follows politics in Africa (and the United States) with great passion. Most days you can find her at one of the computers at Shain library, reading The New York Times or checking out the latest scholarship on Kenya or Uganda.

Forty of us celebrated Marion’s birthday after mass tonight with supper and luscious cake from Motta's in Columbia – actually two cakes, one chocolate mousse and one vanilla with strawberry filling. You can see photos at the right. Or view a full-size slideshow.