Monday, August 25, 2008

Being drawn to faith

In today’s gospel, Jesus asks the apostles who they believe he is. Only Peter replies: “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Peter believes. He is the first person in history to declare his faith in Christ.

Father Larry asked today, what drew Peter to faith? What draws us?

Is it what we see? What we read? What we do? What we think about? It’s an important question a college campus, where we tend to intellectualize so much of our experience.

However we arrive at faith (I don’t like the word “arrive” because I think the quest never ends), belief is not enough. We’re called to act on our faith. It's hard to figure out exactly how to do this.

Maybe it goes back to what I wrote last week. Ignatius saw God everywhere, in everything. A first step for us today is to discern God’s presence in our everyday lives and act on it. To affirm it when we see it -- and create it when we don’t.